News Archives - 1999
"Storms in Space" is topic of annual Sverdrup Visiting Scientist Lecture on April 26 at Augsburg College
High above the earth's atmosphere, violent storms rage in space, with the only visible manifestation being dramatic auroral displays familiar in our night skies.
However, these storms may cause interference with satellites and other ground-based electric power systems, helping give rise to the new field of space weather.
This topic will be explored in a free public lecture by Dr. John W. Freeman, professor of space physics and astronomy at Rice University, at 8 p.m. on Monday, April 26 at Augsburg College. Freeman's lecture will be held in Hoversten Chapel (located in the Foss Center at the corner of Riverside and 22nd avenues south).
Call 612-330-1324 for more information.
The lecture is the featured event in Augsburg's ninth annual General Leif J. Sverdrup Visiting Scientist Program, held this year on April 26-27. The Sverdrup Visiting Scientist Program was established in 1990 by Johan N. Sverdrup of St. Louis, Mo., in memory of his father, Maj. Gen. Leif J. Sverdrup, a 1918 Augsburg graduate who was honored in 1958 as an Augsburg Distinguished Alumnus.
As part of the program, Freeman will make a classroom visit at South High School in Minneapolis between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. on April 26.
Freeman's visit is co-sponsored by the Minnesota Space Grant Consortium, of which Augsburg is a member. The NASA-funded consortium supports students with undergraduate and graduate scholarships and works with Minnesota schools to develop strong science, mathematics and technology programs.
Freeman has directed a number of satellite instrumentation projects, including an experiment deployed on the moon by the Apollo 12, 14 and 15 astronauts. In 1972 he was awarded the NASA Medal for Exceptional Scientific Achievement for his work with the Apollo Program.