News Archives - 2001
Dr. William Grassie to speak at convocation series
WHO: Dr. William Grassie, executive director of the Philadelphia Center for Religion and Science, and editor of the Metaviews on Science and Religion.
WHAT: The 2000-2001 Augsburg Convocation Series: "Religion in the Computer Age." The invention of the moveable type press in the 15th century made possible the Protestant Reformation and religious revolutions in Europe in the 16th century. The advent of computer technologies in the 20th century will also have profound effects on our religious understanding and practice in the 21st century.
WHEN: Friday, March 2, 10 a.m. Convocation; and Saturday, March 3, 12:10 p.m., lecture for Weekend College students.
WHERE: Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center, Augsburg College campus, 2211 Riverside Avenue, Minneapolis.
WHY: Science and Religion in Dialogue. Where does religion "fit" into the age of computer technology, exploration of the frontiers of genetics, and the scientific search for extraterrestrial life? This is the fourth in a year-long, six part series of the Augsburg Convocation Series 2000-2001.