News Archives - 2004
Comedian Kathy Buckley speaker at Feb. 18 Convocation, "No Label, No Limits"
18, 2004
"No Label, No Limits"
10 a.m.– Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center
Comedian Kathy Buckley will be the speaker at the Feb. 18 Convocation, "No Label, No Limits," 10 a.m., Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center. Buckley bills herself as "America's First Hearing-Impaired Comedienne."
is a four-time American Comedy Award nominee and was the focus of "I
Can Hear the Laughter," a 1991 Emmy award-winning documentary. Her
humor, however, has a higher purpose – it disarms people, makes
them laugh, but teaches them something at the same time.
Whether performing in comedy clubs, on television, or teaching at camps
for the deaf, Buckley bears her message that anything can be achieved
when the heart and the mind work together.
The 2003-2004 Convocation Series is titled "Making the Most of Your Gifts." This series of six will challenge us to consider all work as vocation. Seeing what we can do as vocation emphasizes the importance of identifying our gifts and abilities, and of bringing them to bear on problems and situations that benefit the community while providing opportunity to live out our passions and dreams.